Thursday, June 11, 2009

Lorry Driver Jailed For Sex

lorry-driver-jailed-for-sexA lorry driver who had sex with a 15-year-old girl he met in an internet chatroom before taking her to France has been jailed for five years.

Robert Williams, 49, of Glebe Road, Whitburn, Scotland, was sentenced at Grimsby Crown Court after earlier pleading guilty to child abduction and sexual activity with a child.

Robert Williams, of Whitburn, Scotland, was sentenced at Grimsby Crown Court after earlier pleading guilty to child abduction and sexual activity with a child.

The court heard the 49-year-old was on bail at the time of the incident in January this year after a complaint about a similar incident involving another teenage girl.

The father-of-three was arrested in late 2008 after he met a 16-year-old girl on the internet and travelled from Scotland to Sussex to meet her, the court was told.

He then booked into a hotel where the pair had sex, it was alleged. Williams was interviewed and bailed in connection with the incident.

But just weeks later, he arranged to meet the "naive" and "vulnerable" 15-year-old in this case and took her from her home in north east Lincolnshire on January 14.

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